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Host Family Application

Submit the form below if you would like to be considered as a host family.

Exchange Student Requirements and Tips:

Host Family Requirements and Tips:

  • Host family applicants are not required to have a student in the Bethlehem Area School District, but preference will be given to families with students near the age range of visiting Japanese students (high school or first year of college)

  • Being a host family is not a prerequisite for consideration of your student for the exchange, but it is favorable

  • Japanese students are required to attend several group events during their stay, so frequent transportation to various events in Bethlehem is necessary

  • Host families usually host for about 7-10 days, either the first or second half of the exchange visit.  Costs of specific group activities and travel that are incurred by visiting students will be paid for by the sister city commission.  Other expenses (food, private activities by families with student, etc.) associated with hosting a student are the responsibility of the host family.

Please fill in the information below and press "Submit Info".  Please send any questions you may have to  We will be in touch with you about the next steps in the process.


The deadline for consideration of Bethlehem host families is usually the final day of May in the SAME YEAR as a visit:

May 31, 2025 for the 2025 program

May 31, 2027 for the 2027 program

Host Family Application

Check the box below if applicable.
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